Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire!
Ladies and Gentlemen, our surge has worked fantastically! We've gotten the attention of someone who may be able to help resolve this issue. Thank you! Thank you! Your hard work and participation in this action has paid off! We are now in talks with someone who can help fix this problem.
For now, I'd like to ask you all to stand down for the time being. Do Not Post Any More Help Requests At the Blogger Help Forum for now. The person who's helping us is requesting that we hold off any more multiple posts for help in order to help diagnose the root of the problem of MJ's and Leni's disappearing comments. We've gotten their attention, and now they need to focus on the problem.
We can help them expedite solving the problem by letting them work with MJ and Leni and not be distracted by any more posts from our surge asking for their help. So, for now, please Do Not Post Any More Help Requests at the forum.
The Surge worked! We're now holding a cease fire to engage in talks to resolve the conflict. Well done everyone!
Stand by for further developments! I'll bring you the latest news as it happens!
Thank you! Thank you so much for your continued support! You people rock!!!
Click here to follow what's happened. But please stand by for now. We're in a cease fire, so no new posts for help at the forum for now. We don't want to start a flame war. We want to engage in productive dialogue and cooperate with the Blogger Help Forum to solve this problem. The talks at the forum are heading in a positive direction. And your patience and hard work and support is very much appreciated. You people are just spectacular and astounding! Thank you so much!
Original post dated Monday, June 28, 2010
In case you haven't noticed, there has been some serious issues with Blogger lately. On the morning of 12 June 2010, Saturday, it was discovered that Blogger had automatically deleted MJ's blog, Infomaniac, without warning or a reason. A day later, the same thing was done to Leni Qinan's blog, Escorita y Peligrosa.
MJ was blocked even from using her Gmail account, so she couldn't access her Gmail or contact Blogger to directly to find out what was going on. It was up to her blogging community to sound the alarm and come together to find out what had happened to MJ's blog. It was the united efforts of bloggers like you and me, working together, posting multiple requests at Blogger Forum to restore Infomaniac, that helped us get Infomaniac back online. Leni Quinan's blog was also returned. Thank you so much for your support and hard work in getting Infomaniac back. It only took us a weekend to get Infomaniac restored.
However, a serious problem still remains. When Blogger took down both MJ's and Leni's blogs, they also erased all of their comments from the blogs they visited and their own blogs! Even worse, any new comments they leave on blogs, including their own, are automatically targeted and erased by Blogger!
I've contacted Blogger Forum once again to report this problem, and with your support and requests at the Forum, we got some reply. Unfortunately, the Blogger Team either misunderstood the problem or even worse, they don't care. It's been over a week now, and still, the Blogger Team has not adequately addressed our concerns about why MJ's and Leni's comments have not been restored to our blogs, and why their new comments, if they post under their Blogger/Gmail accounts, are systematically targeted and erased by Blogger within 24 hours.
This problem is more than just about missing comments. This is about our shared history and community. MJ's blog was a hub on Blogger, a place where adults from all over the world could come together and share a laugh, to forget our worries for a bit and just relax and unwind. It was the home of a large, international community of bloggers who came together to share ideas, humor, advice, and celebrate and support each other during tumultuous periods of life. This was a community that celebrated diversity. It was a place where all minorities and people of all walks of life were welcomed and embraced, a place where we built up a community that not only values wit and humor and compassion, we also embraced free speech and freedom and equality for all peoples.
MJ's and Leni's comments were more than just replies to our blog posts. They were personal correspondences. They were written proof of our support for one another. Some of these comments were heartfelt, personal notes of support during times of crisis, when we experienced hardship or personal loss. And we've certainly lost a number of our community who were dear to us. The erasure of MJ's and Leni's comments is an assault on our community and a violation and despicable desecration of the memory and honor of those in our community who've passed on.
The continued and targeted, automatic erasure of MJ's and Leni's new comments is an attack on free speech and the diversity and equality that this community (and Google supposedly) embraces and holds to be true. We cannot sit idly by and let Blogger continue to systematically target and erase MJ's and Leni's comments.
Sometimes, bad things happen, because we have no control over them. We try to pick up the pieces and move on. But sometimes, evil things happen, because we do nothing and let it happen. In the words of Martin Niemöller (1892-1984), who survived the atrocities and Nazi death camps of World War II:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.
Do not let Blogger continue this evil act of automatically targeting and erasing comments! It is a violation of free speech and an unprovoked attack on an international community that embraces diversity, supports minorities, and advocates for freedom and equality for all people.
Join us in fighting against this vile and deplorable act by Blogger. Help us restore MJ's and Leni's missing comments and keep Blogger from automatically targeting and erasing their new comments as well.
I am proposing a change in our tactics to get Blogger's attention in resolving this matter.
Our strategy will be executed in three stages to obtain maximum effect. First, we will create a surge. I need all of you to make this work. We will post multiple requests at the Blogger Forum to get their attention.
Stage 1 is to set the time for the surge. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, the 30th of June, 2010. I want you to post a request on Blogger Forum to ask why MJ's and Leni's comments have disappeared from your blog and why new comments they leave using their Blogger usernames are being targeted and erased within 24 hours. Click on this Post a question
In fact, here's a template of what I'm posting at Blogger on Wednesday. Feel free to copy and paste this request when you go to Blogger Forum to post your request. Edit it as needed to fit your style.
Title/Question: Help! Blogger automatically targeting and erasing comments!
I am writing to report that Blogger is targeting comments from two of my readers and has erased all their old comments and continues to erase new comments they leave within 24 hours. Comments left by MJ of Infomaniac (http://theinfomaniac.blogspot.com/) and Leni Qinan of Escritora y peligrosa (http://escritoraypeligrosa.blogspot.com/) have disappeared from our blogs (and theirs) since 12 June 2010 and new comments they leave using their Blogger/Gmail accounts are being systematically targeted and erased by Blogger within 24 hours. Why?
This problem has been reported before and yet no one appears to be looking into it to let us know that something is being done about it. Is this a virus? Or is this an intentional attack? Please let us know that Blogger is aware of this problem and is working on resolving this issue. It's a very disturbing thing to realize that Blogger is automatically singling out and targeting individuals to erase all their old comments and any new ones they leave. Please help fix this serious issue.
Thank you. We look forward to working with you in solving this problem.
Remember, the surge starts Wednesday, and I want everyone to keep posting a request at the Help Forum starting Wednesday and lasting all through next week, Tuesday, 6th of July, 2010. The goal of the surge is to get as many requests posted on the Blogger Forum as possible. The more requests we post, the more likely we'll get the Blogger Team's attention. The surge will only work when the Blogger Forum is suddenly flooded with multiple requests to restore the missing comments. There is power is numbers, and I need many, many, multiple requests at the Blogger Forum to catch the Blogger Team's attention.
So please, spread the word to all your readers to join us on Wednesday and start the week long surge at Blogger Forum to get their attenion.
Stage 2 is to click on this answer a few questions/feedback link and report your dissatisfaction with the Blogger Forum. (If you use Firefox, Right Click on link, then Open in New Tab; If you use Internet Explorer, Right Click on link, then Open in New Window). It's a short 5 question survey that asks for your satisfaction regarding the Blogger Help forum. The fifth question asks "What Blogger information were you looking for? "
It's a blank space where you will type how unhappy you are. Here's what I'm writing there, so feel free to copy and paste and edit to fit your style:
I am very unhappy and angry that Blogger is automatically targeting and erasing comments from certain bloggers, like MJ (http://theinfomaniac.blogspot.com/) and Leni (http://escritoraypeligrosa.blogspot.com/). I want the old comments from MJ and Leni restored to my blog and their own, and I want the Blogger to stop erasing the new comments MJ and Leni leave when they use their Blogger/Gmail accounts. Their new comments are erased automatically by Blogger within 24 hours. No one from the Blogger Team seems to be aware (or cares ) that this problem has been going on since 12 June 2010. Please fix this problem. You either have a virus or you're intentionally erasing their comments, censoring free speech and attacking our diverse community that embraces minorities and equality for all people.
Remember, click on that feedback link and reply as many times as you can. You don't need to sign in to fill this survey out. The more negative feedback Blogger gets, the more likely they'll look into the matter. Remember, our numbers count, so make sure to join in the surge starting this Wednesday, 30th of June and continues on to Tuesday, 6th of July. The goal is to show a massive number of spikes or jumps in the requests for help and the negative feedback on the surveys. That will catch the Blogger Team's attention and help us get some answers as to why this problem of disappearing and erasing comments continues. The more of us who post at the Blogger Forum and feedback link, the more impact we'll have on getting the Blogger Team to help us resolve this disturbing matter.
Stage 3 is to get the word out. Email your friends or let your blog readers know what's happening and to join us in our surge. Please help us spread the word and join in our group action starting Wednesday 30 June 2010 to Tuesday 6 July 2010. And after you've posted your request on Blogger Forum, click on another person's help request to restore MJ's and Leni's comments to show your support and post there as well. Remember, the more of us who post multiple help requests and feedbacks to Blogger, the more likely we'll get their attention. We need your help to return the missing comments and stop Blogger from automatically erasing new comments that MJ and Leni leave on our posts.
Your participation is necessary to make this a success. There are all ready plans and movements to elevate the scale of our actions to include contacting Google headquarters at
Google, Inc
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Leni has all ready contacted the Google head office. There are a bunch of other Google offices (one may be closer to you) that we will contact as well as part of our contingent plans after the week long surge. I've all ready started gathering information on government agencies and other organizations dedicated to free speech and equality for minorities and all people. I'm planning to reach out to them and the media to bring about public attention to what's going on at Blogger.
But the most important thing we can do right now is to spread the word about the surge starting Wednesday and for everyone to participate. Remember, the more of us who post at Blogger Forum and the feedback links, the more likely Blogger will have to take notice and step up to solve this problem. Your actions count, and I'm counting on you to take part in our community efforts to help our own. Your support has been invaluable in restoring MJ's blog, Infomaniac. And your continued support is necessary to return the missing comments from MJ and Leni. We need all of you to help us bring about a change that will rightfully restore the missing comments and ensure the continuation of free speech and diversity in blogging.
Please join our efforts. Please spread the word. The surge starts Wednesday, 30 June 2010. Remember, one person can change another; and two people can change the world. Imagine what all of us can do when we work together.
Thank you.