Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Moment

It's quiet now. And for that I'm thankful, because it's given me a moment to reflect. It's been a challenging year. And it's still hard to deal with some of the losses that are a part of every life. It never gets easier.

But quiet moments, rare and precious and few, are just enough to give us perspective and hope. And in life, we need hope. It gives us the strength to go on. It reminds us of what's important in life. And who's important to us. A moment is just enough to time to count the blessings and remind yourself of what really matters. Life, hard as it may be at times, is for the living. So live fully and love whole heartedly. Take the time to be with the ones you love and do the things that make you happy.

I hope y'all are doing well this holiday season. I wish y'all much peace and love and may the New Year bring y'all much joy, wonder, and happiness, and moments to remind you to embrace those closest to you, and give you hope no matter where you are. Happy Holidays.


  1. Oh! Thank you for those thoughts and wishes.At this time of years most people go overboard with forced bonhomie, but it's a busy time for the agencies that look after the strugglers.

    Some of us were a bit concerned at your absence.I hope you're well? And wish you good things for this bright, shiny New Year that's just around the corner.

  2. Lovely to see you, Mr Swings!! I was getting a bit worried.

  3. Hai Eros! I'm glad you found a moment, and hope that 2020 will be less challenging for you and everyone else.
    Happy holidays to you, too!

  4. It's been a year, sugar, I know! But, here we are and so here's to us! Happy New Year and all the best be yours always! xoxo

  5. Good to see you again Eros !
    Thank you for the good words - all the best to You !

  6. Oh, THERE you are! Thank you for shining your light this way.

    Here's to 2020! I feel all futuristic, saying that.

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  10. I appreciate these words of encouragement about finding perspective during challenging times.
