Sunday, October 14, 2018

Mariposa de la Muerte

Today I had a most intriguing visitor. Perched on the corner of the front entrance was a big, beautiful, black witch butterfly.

To the Aztecs and some natives tribes across the Sonora and Chihuahua deserts, this beautiful creature was a messenger from the death gods, an omen of death. This belief has carried over to some parts of South Texas: If a black witch butterfly flies into the home of ailing person, that ill person will die soon. Hence, the name, Mariposa de la Muerte, the Butterfly of Death.

But more than a death omen, black witch butterflies are believed by other tribes to be the souls of loved ones, come back to visit the living, especially in the fall. This native belief has merged with colonial influence and developed into the Dia de los Muertos festival.

Growing up, I was taught that butterflies and moths were the souls of loved ones who passed on, come back to visit us and bring us blessings. To see them is a sign good luck and prosperity. I just think that they are enchanting and marvelous and gorgeous. And I love that they symbolize transformation and change for the better.

I'm looking forward to good luck this week!


  1. I have seen those butterflies before, but was not aware of those stories about them. Thank you for the info!

    1. LX, You're welcome. They are stunning looking creatures. I feel lucky and happy everytime I'm lucky enough to see one. I rarely see any butterflies or moths around my place. So this one was a real special treat.

  2. Beautiful! At first, I thought it was a beehive. I like your final paragraph thought the best. Too think the souls of loves come back in another creature is comforting.

    1. Maddie, If that was a beehive, I'd definitely stay far away and clear of it! It is a wonderful thing to have loved ones visit us as butterflies and moths, to let us know they are watching over us and bring us blessings and good luck.

  3. I wish I knew more about moths and butterflies, they are fascinating.
    I was going to write a post about a black butterfly back in May, as I kept seeing them everywhere - not the same butterfly that you have here, but a pitch black one, like something from Disney - so I'm wondering if I'd been hallucinating!

    1. Scarlet, Butterflies and moths are so exotic and beautiful! I love their varieties. I don't know much about them, but I do enjoy seeing them. They are extraordinary pollinators and flyers.

  4. That is a very big butterfly (presuming your bricks are normal sized?). It clearly isn't a real witch if it's hanging around the front, though. Everyone knows that witches only use the back door!

    1. IDV, It is a big butterfly, with a wingspan of 6 inches. One my fave things about the black witch butterfly is that because of its huge size, it flies like a bat. And in the evening or low light conditions, it looks like a huge bat, swooping down on people. I've seen people scream and run when they mistook the black witch butterfly for a bat!

  5.'s a moth. But that does not detract from your appreciation! They are the largest of their kind in America- see here:
    And,if you have Facebook, there is an excellent site for moth/butterfly ID and people on it are so polite!
    Thank you for posting your Black Witch

    1. Dinahmow, You're absolutely right. It is a moth, but everyone down in these parts calls it a butterfly. The natives around here call moths night butterflies.

      Kind of like you know that the tomato is a fruit, but everyone generally classifies it as a vegetable.
