Thursday, September 20, 2018


I was ambushed Monday when I left my home. They drew blood. I survived that assault and got my revenge. The most annoying thing about heavy rains isn't flooding. In these parts, it's the hordes of mosquitoes that attack people as soon as the heavy rains stop.

Heavy rains leave pools of water that mosquitoes need to lay their fertilized eggs. Female mosquitoes need blood in order to produce their eggs. And my blood is tasty and exquisite, so mosquitoes target me. I could be in a crowd, and I'd be the one most bitten. A lot of times, I'm the only one bitten, by lots of them bloodsuckers! So mosquito repellent is my friend. DEET is my fragrance of choice when the damn mosquitoes are swarming.

On Monday, I had plans to go shopping for supplies. I was closing my door when in the space one minute, eight, yes, 8, mosquitoes bit me from head to toe! I ran to my car, jumped in to escape the swarm. But three mosquitoes followed me into my car and bit me on the neck! My hands were marked with large splotches of my own blood, squirting from the mosquitoes I smashed hard with my hands.

At the store, I bought some mosquito killer spray. I needed to arm myself for war! These aren't regular mosquitoes. These are giant Texas mosquitoes--Huge bodies, causing them to fly slow. But they are tougher than regular mosquitoes.

You smack a Texas mosquito, and chances are, it'll shake it off and continue sucking your blood! And these miserable pests carry debilitating diseases, like West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever, Zika, and Malaria. All of which have been detected in the local mosquito population.

Now, when I leave my apartment, I crack the door open slightly and start spraying with mosquito killer bug spray. It's very effective. I coat the top of my door and the walls outside, to kill the mosquitoes still there and to prevent any more from taking hold and gathering to form a mob who'll ravage me when I leave or return home.

It's been three days, and my bottle of bug killer spray is half empty! And the invading colony of mosquitoes that perched above my door have mostly been exterminated, thanks to that bug spray. I hate mosquitoes.

I've been enjoying killing these vicious mosquitoes. I need to buy another can of bug spray. It's been wonderful to see the swarm of mosquitoes die and fall to the ground as soon as the bug spray touches them. Instant mosquito death!

And I'm liking the new wood scent DEET mosquito repellent that I'm trying on to keep the pesky insects away. So far, it works great! Not a single mosquito bite! And this new wood scent mosquito repellent smells a whole lot better than the original, regular mosquito repellent spray. I despise mosquitoes. There's a critter I wouldn't mind seeing go extinct!


  1. Ha! Mosquitoes. I hate them with a passion. ^_^

    1. Sixpence Notthewiser, Welcome! If there's any creature that deserves hate, it's mosquitoes for sure! That's one critter Noah should've left off the ark!

  2. Even with repellent, there was the sound of them in the tent at night whilst camping in the pine forests of Southeast Texas!

    1. LX, The mosquito buzzing is one of the most aggravating sounds in the world! You know it's only a matter of time before the bugger bites you! Worse in the dark when you can't see them, but the buzzing puts you on edge because you know they are near, about to strike!

      My friend bought a bug zapper for his porch. I love the sound of mosquitoes frying!


  3. Being a mosquito magnet myself, I feel for you! You make me smile.

    1. Deedles, As people with delicious, desirable blood, we are always targeted by the vampires. I tell my friends, who laugh at me for being the only one bitten in the group outing, that being beautiful and delectable on the inside and out means that everyone wants a piece of me. It is the burden we beautiful people share...

    2. Thank you, Eros! I knew there had to be a better explanation than Balder Half's "They just like light meat"! Being beautiful and delectable, I will now wear my bites with pride (and benadryl).

  4. I hear ya, Eros! I too am on their favourite flavour list. We get West Nile Virus up here too, but not malaria, zika or dengue. And we also get EEEV (eastern equine encephalitis virus). I use DEET as well, and sometimes fog my yard with a mosquito fogger and malathion, if I need to be outside for any length of time.

    I can stand right beside my brother and get eaten alive, while he gets no bites at all. It's not fair, I tell you!!

    1. Ponita, I could definitely use a mosquito fogger in the mornings, when the mosquitoes swarm the front of the building, waiting for breakfast. I don't run in the morning the whole week after it rains. Too many mosquitoes, and I sweat off the repellent.

      It is annoying when you end up getting bitten while the people around you don't get bitten at all. I just carry the personal size repellent for outings where there's a chance mosquitoes will show up. My friends used to laugh, but at least the repellent works.

  5. I CAN ONLY IMAGE!!!! When I was in Rehoboth for the first leg of my vacation, the horseflies were relentless on the beach this August. At one point I had about 20 bites between both my legs. I can see why they drive horse's nuts. I almost did not want to go to Costa Rica with all the bites, thinking people might think Im a leaper or something, but after applying first aid cream like crazy, they healed and left in two days. You'd think with my gin consumption they die for alcohol poisoning. Apparently they didn't get the message. Mosquitos aren't bad here where I live at all.

    1. Maddie, Horseflies are awful! Their bites hurt way more than mosquitoes! When I was living back in the southeast, I experienced sand gnats, and their bites hurt, too! Every time I got bitten, it looked like I had chicken pox! What is up with these nasty flying bugs?

      I'm glad the cortisone and Benadryl worked for your bites. But I suspect the mosquitoes are lushes and are drawn to the scent of gin wafting off you. They probably see you as an open bar and bite you to enjoy their version of a Bloody Mary!
